Lesson Overview
Art on a Budget
How does keeping track of money when creating an art piece alter your ideas? How can you use different coins to pay for items?
Lesson Process:
Step 1: Provide direct instruction/review of money values and making change.
Step 2: Look at various artworks that have sold for varying amounts of money – large and small. Ask students to look at the artwork like an art investor, a homeowner, or a museum curator and ask what they would pay for each piece of artwork based on their assigned role.
Step 3: Then, create a piece of artwork with a specific BUYER in mind.
Step 4: Pitch the completed piece to the “buyers” in the classroom.
Step 5: Buyers each have a certain amount of money from their organizations to spend. Pick a piece or pieces based on the perceived value and how much money they have to spend.
Time Required:
(2) 40 minutes Art Classes
Materials List:
- Play money (can be paper)
- Dollar bills
- Quarters
- Dimes
- Nickels
- Pennies
- Menu (how much each art element cost)
- Rubric indicating artwork criteria
Students will pair reviewing before meeting with the bank.