Research-based resources that offer step-by-step action plans, outlines, templates, case-studies, lessons and assessments.  These teacher resource books have become some of the leading guides in the field due to their overwhelming ease-of-use and positive reviews.

Each book is offered in either softcover format or electronic book format through, Barnes and Noble or Books a Million stores. We are proud to be able to offer these fantastic resources and books on teaching for your professional library!

No Permission Required: Bringing STEAM to Life in K-12 Schools

Creativity in teaching and learning is the “secret sauce” to ensuring the success of our students in the 21st century.  As the movement from STEM to STEAM begins to gather momentum, more and more teachers are asking “are we allowed to do this?” when learning how to integrate the arts throughout their instruction.

In this teacher’s book you’ll find:

  • Case studies from schools in urban, suburban and rural districts who are implementing STEAM with success, seeing increases of up to 85% in science and math-tested areas.
  • Strategies that can be used immediately to bring a burst of STEAM into any classroom.
  • Fully-developed STEAM lessons and assessment samples in grade bands from K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12.

All written in a conversational style which seeks to bring rich learning and practical application to the reader.

Shake the Sketch: An Arts Integration Workbook

We can Shake the Sketch in education. Wipe the slate clean and take a good look at the wonderful possibilities that strategies like Arts Integration can afford to our students.

Throughout this workbook, you’ll learn what Arts Integration is, how it’s revolutionizing education and how to successfully implement it in your classroom, school or district using a proven process. We’ll explore the research behind Arts Integration, how to make your vision of student success a reality, and how to help your whole school community become invested in each student’s potential. Everything from writing lesson plans to providing professional development is covered, including sample lesson plans, templates and access to many supplemental media materials.

Engaging in the Arts, making critical connections beyond the classroom and providing our students with the valuable understanding of processes will shake their world – and ours – forever.

Learn how to successfully integrate the arts in any classroom.

Join 65,000+ K-12 educators receiving creative inspiration, free tools, and practical tips once per month in the SmART Ideas Digest.

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