Lesson Overview
Hologram Art
Ask students if they know what a hologram is. Engage in a discussion about what a hologram looks like, what it could be used for, and how it works. Using the Peppergram Projector, a phone and a Youtube hologram video example, turn off the lights and show students a few holograms. If available, you can have more than one projector station available in the room.
Have students practice their observation skills by walking around the hologram, looking at it from a variety of angles and documenting their findings in a sketchbook or journal.
Lesson Process:
Step 1: Â Based on their original hypotheses and their observational findings, review what students now know about holograms.
Step 2: Use the MindTrekkers lesson to understand how holograms work using the law of reflection.
Step 3: Â View the Hologram Artist exhibition site and explore how artists are using this medium in their work and how it evolves the viewing experience.
Step 4:Â Group students into pairs or small groups of 3-4. Provide each group with the Hologram reference image. Explain that they will be creating their own hologram images to use with the Peppergram projectors.
Step 5: Â Ask them to notice the quadrants in the reference image. How would they apply the law of reflection using this image?
Step 4:Â Create a digital hologram using the hologram tutorial website. Consider how they would like their audience to interact with their art when it is completed.
Time Required:
30-45 minutes
Materials List:
- Peppergram Projector
- Phone/Tablet
- Hologram Youtube examples
- Computers
- Mindtrekkers Lesson
- Hologram Reference Image
- Create Hologram Tutorial
- Movie editing software
- Hologram artist exhibition
Peer Review.
As students share their holograms, classmates should look for the use of the law of reflection in the work, as well as how their work engages the viewing audience.