Take a look at our current offerings:
School-Based Arts Integration and STEAM Professional Development
We have a selection of certified arts integration specialists available to support your school-wide professional development needs. From half-day Zoom meetings to multi-day in-person options, we can work with you to design a relevant and meaningful session.
Please note: our core values do not support “one-and-done” PD offerings. Educators deserve PD that evolves and supports them all year. As such, we do require schools seeking in-person PD options to also invest in a set of Accelerator licenses for their staff. We can work with your budget to ensure the best value possible.
Executive-Level Coaching for Arts-Integrated Leaders
Working as an administrator or team leader in an arts integration or STEAM school and need some confidential support? Our executive-level coaching for leaders is available exclusively with our founder, Susan Riley. Susan accepts a limited amount of individual coaching contracts each quarter, as well as hosting a group-level coaching program for leaders. If you’d like support in working through the challenges of supporting arts integration and STEAM efforts, please get in touch. These spaces go quickly, so the sooner you reach out, the better.
Featured by organizations you can trust.
The Institute has been featured by many national and international publications for our groundbreaking work in arts integration and STEAM. Additionally, our team and founder present around the United States annually to public, private, charter, and magnet schools and associations. It would be our honor to work with you as well. Recommendations available upon request.
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The Institute for Arts Integration & STEAM
PO Box 2622
Westminster, MD 21158
Main: 443-821-1089
Sales: 443-293-5851
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