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Paper Sculpture Techniques

In this video, facilitator Amy Traggianese shares lots of simple paper sculpture techniques that you can show students. They can use these techniques to create their own characters and paper sculptures. Some of the supplies are probably already in your classroom or school: heavyweight paper, drawing paper, construction paper and poster board. 

You can also collect some recyclable materials like box board from cereal or crackers- and corrugated boxes. There are many different ways to add simple details with construction paper, paint, collage materials – or students can simply draw on their creations with markers.

The simple paper sculpture techniques shared in this preview workshop include: folding, curling, twisting and scoring the paper.

This workshop is part of our Creating with Paper and Cardboard Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



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Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

About Your Facilitator: Amy Traggianese

amy traggianese paper sculpture workshopAmy Traggianese has been an elementary visual arts educator in CT since 1995. A former kindergarten and first grade teacher, she has over 30 years of arts integration experience. Amy specializes in integrating language arts, math, science and technology into the choice art studio. She is an arts integration coach and artist in residence for The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM. Amy is an active educator voice on Facebook and Twitter and loves a good Twitter chat.

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