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Preventing Summer Learning Loss

Preventing Summer Learning Loss or the “Summer Slide” is something all educators know is important for long-term student success. What is summer learning loss? For our students, this could manifest itself in a number of ways. There is a loss in the sense of being a part of a learning community, connections to people, time management, engagement in critical thinking, application of knowledge, and routines, just to name a few. Depending on the grade, age, and circumstance of the student, this can be easily repaired when school starts, or it can create a rough start for some of our learners.

In this workshop preview, Arts Integration Specialist Renee Schumacher shares specific ideas for preventing students from summer learning loss which build community, connect to the curriculum, and engage their hands-on, minds-on experiences.

This workshop is part of our Summer Learning Loss Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



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Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

About Your Facilitator: Renee Schumacher

Renee is the ArtsCore District Coordinator at Oshkosh Area School District, in Oshkosh, WI. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh and a Level 1 Arts Integration Specialist Certificate from the Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM. Renee has been an Art Educator, Summer School Teacher, and District Coordinator for the past 10 years.

Renee believes that art can be a bridge to the student’s life and education. Art has the ability to reach students on all levels of understanding. She works to create an environment that is motivating, positive, and that fosters learning for both students and teachers.

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