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Tempera Techniques for the Classroom

In this workshop, our artist-in-residence Amy Traggianese shares tempera techniques you can use in any classroom. From selecting the right brush to exploring the many different kinds of tempera paint, this session will help you confidently begin integrating this medium with your students.

This workshop is part of our Tempera in the Classroom Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



Suitable For:


Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

Additional Details

tempera techniques basics

Tempera paint is an essential supply in most classrooms. But did you know there are a variety of types you can choose from? Each has a purpose and set of techniques, which make it the perfect paint to explore at any age level.

In the full workshop, Amy shares how to be successful with any type of tempera (including liquid, cake, or stick). She also shares tips for selecting the right brushes for the job, and lesson ideas that can be used with tempera techniques. Included are connections with art history, music, color theory, math, literacy, science, and more.

This workshop preview is part of our members-only Accelerator workshops. Each month, we release a stack of videos and worksheets to help educators bring inspiring new techniques into their classrooms. Each workshop also provides teachers with a certificate for 1 PD hour.

To download this tempera basics resource, become a member.

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Foundations of Arts Integration