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Student Led Learning

Student-led learning provides students with opportunities for self-direction, a powerful sense of ownership, and the ability to explore topics that are meaningful and relevant in their lives. But facilitating this method – and integrating it with STEAM – can sometimes be challenging. This mini-training shares some common questions teachers have and practical strategies for streamlining the approach.

This workshop is part of our Student Led Learning Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



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Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

Additional Details

student led learning resource

In student led learning, the teacher is a guide and facilitator, walking around to ask reflective questions or guide students to ask their own questions.  They may also be providing demonstrations or pulling up information to support students in their explorations. Students may be sharing out work and getting feedback from their peers through a whole group setting or through a gallery walk in the classroom. There are so many opportunities for students to explore their world and take ownership of their learning process.

In this preview, Molly Foster shares some common questions and roadblocks for implementing the approach effectively, and addresses each with a practical set of strategies and tips for educators.

This workshop preview is part of our members-only Accelerator workshops. Each month, we release a stack of videos and worksheets to help educators bring inspiring new techniques into their classrooms. Each workshop also provides teachers with a certificate for 1 PD hour.

To download the resource that accompanies this workshop, become a member.

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Foundations of Arts Integration