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Simple Paper Weaving Techniques

In this workshop, IAS artist-in-residence Amy Traggianese shares a step-by-step tutorial for paper weaving. You can use this for your own reference, or even share it with students! This workshop shares basic weaving techniques with simple materials students can find at home or in school.

This workshop is part of our Weaving with Non-Traditional Materials Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



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Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

More than Paper Weaving

paper weaving techniques resource pagePaper weaving can be a great way to integrate math, art, and social studies content areas. But lots of teachers are weary of trying to teach additional weaving techniques to students.

Don’t be intimidated by this fantastic medium. Students can weave using lots of different materials: traditional yarn, paper, even grass! The skill of weaving helps with hand/eye coordination, dexterity, concentration, and creativity. Measurement and planning connect right back to math standards. Plus, because so many cultures use weaving as part of their artistic expression and practical everyday living, it a wonderful doorway into a variety of social studies concepts.

This workshop preview is part of our members-only Accelerator workshops. Each month, we release a stack of videos and worksheets to help educators bring inspiring new techniques into their classrooms. Each workshop also provides teachers with a certificate for 1 PD hour.

To download the step-by-step weaving guide and access all of the resources, become a member.

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Foundations of Arts Integration