Internet Scavenger Hunt: Halloween Edition
3 Min Read • Holidays
Internet Scavenger Hunts build computer competency and research skills. Additionally, they’re fun! You can use these as standalone activities or as introductions to a lesson or unit.
I use Internet Scavenger Hunts with Google Classroom, but there are many platforms out there that you can use. But remember – if you are treating this as a race, make sure that there is a timestamp available.
I have included 21 items for a Halloween Internet Scavenger Hunt. Students copy and paste images from an internet search, type their answers in a different color, or insert videos. This also reinforces the ability to search for accurate information and images. Enjoy!
Benefits of Internet Scavenger Hunts
Internet Scavenger Hunts have so many benefits! They…
- encourage students to research topics using online resources that are credible and accurate. “Fake news” is a problem. It creates confusion. It spreads misinformation, so this is an important skill for students to learn;
- teach students to cite sources as well as give credit to creative works;
- encourage students to learn about topics they would not necessarily investigate on their own;
- foster fun while learning;
- exercise their technology muscles by developing and practicing common computer skills. These skills could include: copying and pasting, adding media and hyperlinks to documents, resizing images, highlighting text, skimming resources for information, looking critically at resources and analyzing validity of online works.
When using Internet Scavenger Hunts in my classroom, I do not usually use them as races for time, but rather, a measure of accuracy. I also share in Google classroom so that each student gets their own copy. Students must also pay attention to the prompts and read directions.
Example: Halloween Scavenger Hunt
- The largest pumpkin pie ever baked was in ______ and weighed _______ pounds.
- The Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular is held where?
- The first Jack-O’Lanterns were actually made from ________
- Paste 3 Pictures of Interesting Jack-O’Lanterns.
- Who wrote “Dracula” and in what year?
- Paste-a-Pic of Dracula.
- Who wrote “Frankenstein” and in what year?
- True or False… Frankenstein was originally a monster
- List 4 Ingredients found in candy corn
- Paste-a-Pic of your favorite Halloween candy.
- Paste-a-Pic of your least favorite Halloween candy.
- What are the 2 most popular types of cinnamon?
- The world’s largest pumpkin was grown by ____________ and weighed______.
- What is a hallow?
- In what year will the next full moon occur during Halloween?
- What popular fall festival activity did the Romans bring to Britain when they invaded?
- In what country was the first written account of children using the phrase “trick or treat” on Halloween?
- Add a Video Link of an animal in costume
- What was the first feature-length werewolf movie? What year was it released?
- Orange and black are Halloween colors because we associate orange with __________. We associate black with_______________.
- Paste-a-Pic of a Ouija Board. What is it supposed to do?
Internet Scavenger Hunts are fun ways to encourage research techniques and general computer skills. Use these as a hook to snag your students’ attention before a unit, to provide an extra credit opportunity, or have a friendly competition.