Arts Enhancement Photo Booth Drawings
3 Min Read • Arts Integration
Arts Integration can be overwhelming for some teachers who are just starting out with this approach to teaching and learning. Some teachers want some easy arts enhancement strategies for introducing more art-making to their content area.
Everyone loves a good photo booth! They are fun, goofy, and show a progression of events, facial expressions, or chain reactions. Let’s bring the idea of photo booth picture strips into the classroom!
Art Enhancement Photo Booth drawings are perfect for all content areas. They are easy to create with only a few art supplies and make a splash in any hallway display. Simply cut a long rectangle for your drawings. Fold it to meet your needs. For example, If you want the progression to be 4 pictures long, fold the paper in half twice. Each space provided by the folds will feature a different image.
Students enjoy making these photo booth images because they are miniature in size and allow them to show their humorous side. The small size is less intimidating and perfect for those students who enjoy drawing in small details.
Content Area Idea Seeds
Visual Art
These drawings can be perfect for capturing cartooning or caricature concepts with a dash of satire. For more focused instruction, students can demonstrate understanding of facial proportions and figure drawing. This process can also be used for self-portraits or realistic grid drawing.
The photo booth drawings are perfect for storytelling. They can illustrate a cause and effect, excerpt of a story or poem, character arch, or story’s plot. For creative writing, the drawings can be used for supplementing a written work with a visual. This process could also personify genres of writing. A science fiction character could pose with a fairy tale princess. Parts of speech could also be featured in a photo booth series.
Social Studies
I would love to see George Washington with rabbit ears from Ben Franklin. Or possibly the moment that Marie Curie made one of her many discoveries. I wonder what the ancient Egyptians would have done in a photo booth. These illustrations could include anything from historical figures or events to ancient civilizations. You could even capture the moment a bill becomes a law!
One of the clearest connections to progression in science is metamorphosis. Each drawing could feature a stage in the process of the changing animal. Many animals exhibit different habits and characteristics depending on the season. Each slide could show that animal in spring, summer, winter, and fall. Chain reactions and types of energy are fantastic topics for this art enhancement strategy. I’d also wonder how Saturn would decorate its ring. Maybe with Sunglasses. Chemical reactions could be the life of the party as well. Don’t forget about cells and body systems. I hear they are all the rage. The photo booth drawings could also illustrate the phases of the moon.
As you can tell, the possibilities are endless. Try these Arts Enhancement Photo Booth Drawings in your classroom today! It’s a great way to add more art to your content area without stress or mess.