5 Reasons To Get Certified In Arts Integration
3 Min Read • Arts Integration Certification
Being an Arts Integration Certified is a big decision. For example, our arts integration specialist certification program is an intensive, year-long program that involves a considerable investment of time and money. There’s a lot of work involved and it’s a fairly specialized approach in education. So why should you consider going this route? We’ve got 5 great reasons that as an educator, we think you’ll find exciting.
1. Schools are looking for people arts integration certified
Arts Integration as an approach has been around for over 30 years. But schools are just now seeing the advantages of intentional developing Arts Integration certified and STEAM efforts in their schools. They are in desperate need of people who have a deep understanding of the approach and who can design, implement and deliver coordinated arts integration and STEAM lessons, units, and curriculum supplements. By getting an arts integration certified and becoming a specialist, you can step confidently into these kinds of roles. And schools will know that you have gone through a rigorous process with our internationally-recognized organization to achieve this certification.
2. Avoid teacher burnout
It happens to the best of us – and is one of the reasons many teachers and leaders turn to Arts Integration and STEAM in the first place. Teacher burnout is especially high in today’s schools and for good reason. It feels like creativity is being zapped out of every classroom, everywhere and is being replaced with a testing mentality. By getting certified in Arts Integration, you’ll become refreshed and reinvigorated to create and use an approach which values and highlights creativity in and out of the classroom.
3. Answer the question of “what’s next”
After a certain amount of time in schools, all teachers start to wonder what’s next for their careers. Do you want to stay in the classroom? Move into a leadership role? Leave teaching altogether? An arts integration specialist certification can help you discover the answers to those questions. As you move through the certification program, you’ll learn what gets you most excited in the approach. It could be in lesson design. Or maybe it’s in leading other teachers. Or, it could be utilizing strategies to support struggling learners. No matter what, when you’re finished with the program, you’ll have a clear direction of “what’s next” for you.
4. Support that lasts
One of the hallmarks of our arts integration specialist certification program is the mentor/coach and cohort approach. Each participant is assigned a small group cohort of under 30 people and a dedicated mentor/coach for the duration of the program. If you’ve ever felt isolated or like no one else understands you, this group will be like gold for you. You’ll be able to get feedback, collaborate and share successes and challenges in a safe and supportive group. And since you’re with them throughout the program, you’ll build relationships that will last well beyond the year you’re investing. These folks will be with you as you move ahead in your career and you’ll no longer feel alone.
5. Earn professional development hours
This is a comprehensive certification program and while you’re learning, connecting and creating, you’ll also be earning professional development hours. All participants who complete the program will receive 720 professional development hours. This can help you earn CEUs with your district and may meet PD requirements set forth by your school. While this is not a graduate program, nor is it affiliated with a college or university, most schools and districts accept our professional development hours. We are an approved provider for most states and our professional development programs are highly respected nationally and internationally. The time you invest will give you so many great returns!
To learn more about our certification program and to apply, please visit our certification page. This is your chance to empower yourself and take your career to the next level!