Arts Integration: Solar System Chemical Reaction Painting

2 Min Read  •  Arts Integration

Solar System Arts Integration is a perfect topic! If you feel like your model lessons are getting a little stale, then give this one a try!

Chemical reaction painting techniques using baking soda and vinegar add fizzy fun to any science classroom. Convert planet measurements and distances, while investigating mathematical tools like compasses. Utilize a science-based painting technique that creates both visual and physical texture while discussing color theory and mixing.

Arts Integration Connections


  • Chemical reaction painting techniques
  • Color Theory and mixing practice
  • Texture: visual and physical


  • Order and characteristics of the planets in the Solar System
  • Chemical Reactions – Vinegar and Baking Soda


  • Make planets to scale using diameter and measurement conversions
  • Using Mathematical Tools – Compasses and Rulers


  • Thick paper or watercolor paper
  • Liquid Watercolor
  • Pipettes, medicine or eye droppers
  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Muffin tin or small bowls for paint
  • Pens, Crayons, and Paints for finishing touches on dried paintings
  • Permanent markers for names on the back of the planets
  • Something to protect tables from materials, tin foil worked for me. Cheap and Easy Clean-up.
  • Paper Towels for messes

Solar System Arts Integration Process

  • Use a compass, like this one, to create to scale planets on pieces of watercolor paper.
  • Cut planets out and label them on the back with permanent marker.
  • Students should also include their names on the back.
  • Use color theory and mixing skills to create the perfect paint colors with liquid watercolors. Make sure colors are accurate to the planets being painted.
    • TIP: Label the paint color with which planet, sun, or moon, it belongs to.
  • Mix some vinegar in with the paint.
  • Cover 1 planet at a time with baking soda.
    • TIP: Remember which planet you are working with so the colors and patterns are accurate.
  • Use a dropper to paint on the baking soda covered paper planets
    • TIP: This can get messy, so have some paper towels on hand.
  • Watch the painting fizz away and observe the chemical reaction taking place.
  • Repeat process for every planet, the sun, and moon or moons.
  • Place somewhere to dry.
  • Once dry, look over the planets and add any details with permanent markers, paints, paint markers, or crayons.

Assembly Ideas For Solar System Arts Integration

These planets can be…

  • Placed on a piece of black paper with important information added
  • Made into a mobile using proper distance conversions
  • Turned into a student-driven sculpture

Extensions and Modifications

  • Experiment with students ahead of time. Order of the materials can lead to an investigation using the Scientific Method.
    • What happens when you add the baking soda to the paint and then spray vinegar on it?
    • What happens when a piece of paper is coated with vinegar and then colored baking soda is painted over it
    • Hypothesize, experiment, and observe.
  • This chemical reaction and other printing processes can be used for a range of lessons.

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