Week 2: Talking Art
2 Min Read • Literacy
Welcome to The Art of Curriculum Design Week 2: Talking Art
Throughout this six month series, we explore the fundamentals of curriculum design, via an Arts Appreciation course created through arts collaboration.
The first few weeks were devoted to the “how and why” of the curriculum design process. During the current portion of the series, we are looking at weekly objectives, outcomes, and assessments designed for the Arts Appreciation course (links to the entire series can be found below). The full curriculum, including daily lesson plans, handouts, and assessments, will be available at the completion of the series.
-When Planning Like an Artist, everything is designed with the end performance in mind. So, as the course was designed, we remained focused on the ultimate goal of the course and the final assessment/performance task; how the students are going to demonstrate the goal.
-Aim: After this course, it is our hope that students have the ability to articulate an appreciation of all art forms, while defending artistic preferences.
-Final Assessment/Performance Task: Students will design an arts company and create a performance season utilizing a common theme, based on their personal artistic preference. They will then present their performance season to a board, in the form of a proposal, for funding as a way to articulate an appreciation of all art forms.
Week 2:Â Talking Art
Week 2 begins with a review of the multiple procedures and structures for our class environment, especially expeditiously adjusting the classroom environment into four major uses: theater style, partner work, 4 person groups, and discussion, which are used daily.  Since the first week was devoted to defining art, the second week focuses on applying the class definition to artistic work.  Through the viewing of controversial talking art, students start to defend what they consider “is” and “is not” talking art.  Additionally, week 2  introduces the concepts of theme and intent as a way to connect to and discuss talking art.
Week 2 Objectives
At the completion of week 2, students will be able to:
- Use classroom routines and expectations seamlessly with little prompting
- Apply class definition of art to various works including controversial work
- Continue practicing discussion/debate skills through the use of sentence stems
- Identify the concepts of theme and intent to discuss and defend art work
- Continue to build artistic brand by fine tuning personal artistic preferences
- Analyze the emotional intent of artists
Week 2 Outcomes
At the completion of week 2, students will demonstrate:
- Proper discussion and debate protocol
- Personal interpretations of various art work
- Personal views on what art “is” and “is not”
- Proper use of arts vocabulary
- The importance of artist intent when viewing art
- Personal preference of art work
Week 2 Assessments
At the completion of week 2, students will be evaluated on:
- Demonstration of class discussion/debate procedure
- Contribution to class discussion/debate
- Articulation of artistic intent as it pertains to personal emotional response
- Defense of what students think art “is” and “is not”
- Developing artistic preferences
Series Links
The Art of Curriculum Design
The Art of Curriculum Design: The “Why”
The Art of Curriculum Design: The “How”
Arts Appreciation: Planned Like an Artist
Week 1: What is Art?
Next Week: Week 3 Artist IntentÂ
Week 3 of the Arts Appreciation course, including lesson plan objectives, outcomes, and assessments