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Mindfulness in the Classroom

With SEL becoming a bigger focus for many schools, mindfulness in the classroom is taking a front seat. But how do you cultivate this process? In this Accelerator preview, Arts Integration Specialist Molly Lucareli shares several strategies you can use with students at any grade level to quickly bring a sense of calm and refocus to your classroom.

This workshop is part of our Mindfulness Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



Suitable For:


Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

Mindfulness Resources for the ClassroomAdditional Mindfulness Resources

Accelerator members also enjoy a variety of resources that accompany their workshop sessions. For this workshop, Molly has outlined a variety of videos and books that can be used for mindful practices in school, including:

Also be sure to check out these Calming Activities for the Classroom.

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Foundations of Arts Integration